Media ID: 55345986
Media ID: 55345983
Media ID: 55345899
Media ID: 55345980
Media ID: 55345978
Russian – Iranian Conflict Escalates
Syrian Opposition sources mentioned that the underlying conflict between Moscow and Tehran over Syria was revealed last month by Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari, the commander of the Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution of Iran. He noted that the conflict...Caption:
Opinion:Kuntar Was Not a Hero nor Was Hezbollah Ever a Resistance
The Syrian tragedy is truly unique and cannot be compared to others; it had revealed masks exposing truths covered up and hidden beneath the Arab stage of politics. Moreover, Syria’s battlefield was the place where a Hezbollah paramount was taken down quietly without...Caption:
U.S. officials denied any religion bases
American Source: British Muslim Family Denied Entry to Disneyland for Security Reasons
U.S. officials strongly denied that the Mahmood family was targeted based on their religion, but the case prompted America’s largest Muslim advocacy organization to call for an investigation. Moreover, U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency mentioned in a statement...Caption: