Middle-east Arab News Opinion | Asharq Al-awsat

Opinion:Kuntar Was Not a Hero nor Was Hezbollah Ever a Resistance | ASHARQ AL-AWSAT English Archive 2005 -2017
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Media ID: 55345899

The Syrian tragedy is truly unique and cannot be compared to others; it had revealed masks exposing truths covered up and hidden beneath the Arab stage of politics.
Moreover, Syria’s battlefield was the place where a Hezbollah paramount was taken down quietly without creating a buzz or a sign of national or international care. It was only Hezbollah that arranged a funeral represented by memorial ceremony service followed with dubbing it’s, previously honored for Israeli imprisonment, commander a martyr.
Those who exclusively eulogized their “Martyr” are active members of Hezbollah specially employed for the sake of making announcements that comprise of details on the party’s deaths “martyrs”, which now are seen as reports that had lost the interest of them being circled around and published.
Hezbollah latest eulogy: “Kuntar has been killed by Israel”, an unconvincing statement with no logic standing behind it, because there is no apparent motif pushing Israel to kill someone that is fighting far off their borders all the way in Damascus. Others explain the incident as a result of a mistake by Russian airstrike; some also went all the way to interpreting that Russia has stabbed Hezbollah in the back.
The sole credible explanation remaining is the Syrian Opposition claim of perpetrating the operation of attacking the six story building, burying Kuntar under rubble.
No one was concerned with who killed Kuntar, since he was killed in his fight for Iran, Assad’s regime, and Hezbollah.
This mass indifference might finally raise Hezbollah and other organizations’ alarm on the fact that no one buys the lie they are portraying under the bleak comical impression of them defending Lebanese -Syrian- Palestinian grounds.
The role they have long portrayed for themselves has been brought to an end, despite a fair majority of Arabs and Lebanese people buying into it, there were always the southern families that saw into it after being the first to pay up with dear blood, and were the closest to the reality of the battlefield.
The Syrian crisis and the regime’s foul play against millions of Arabs has revealed their truth, shook the historical pillars they are based on and exposed their rallying cry and holy sacrament.
The public now asks if the heroes were truly “heroes”, or were they mere merchants and proxies for foreign plans?
Was there any truth to what they have been told over the past decades, or was it all piled up superstitions?
Does Samir Kuntar deserve to be dubbed a hero for killing a three member Israeli family, or is he a criminal for participating in the death of 300 thousand Syrians?
Syria today altered all conviction and apprehension; people in addition to Hezbollah’s society are forced to relook into the past with today’s unfolding knowledge.
Supporters claiming that times have changed, and that today is a different story unlike the past, that had represented times of resistance and strife for ethics and glorified cause, renouncing all their present actions, must pause for a second and reconsider.
If we look back over past decades it is evident that they reflect mere chapters in a book that writes off its conclusion with what is happening in Syria today. Hezbollah’s “resistance” is a title to a crime fiction, in which we can read about covering up evidence and falsifying facts, the connotation “resistance” itself was intended for taking over the Lebanese government and using it to cancel out any defiance, laying down the foundation for an opposing front like the alliance with Tehran in order to control the region.

News is read separately, but if we were to read it out as a whole we can conclude that those who killed a third of a million Syrians are the same people behind the tens of assassinated Lebanese citizens. They carried out an agenda based on eliminating any opposition, which was manifested in Rafic Hariri, Gebran Tueni, and George Hawi along with many others; in addition to their previous attempt on assassinating the late prince of Kuwait alongside targeting Arab and gulf airlines and touristic companies.
Moreover this is how we can truly interpret the story after tracing it back to its start point in the 80’s, back when Iran along with Syria decided on interfering in the fight against Israel as an excuse for keeping their foot put down on Lebanese soil, holding up arms, and kidnapping foreigners; after they managed to get rid of the Palestine Liberation Organization that was also giving the two powers a run for Lebanon.
Israel invaded Lebanon and eliminated the PLO; despite the perpetrator of the attempt on assassinating the Israeli ambassador in London was an affiliate of Assad’s regime, Israel still used it as an excuse for the invasion.
In turn, Iran and Syria were the greatest benefactors of Hezbollah’s “resistance”, and by adopting the project that founded it, thus affixed Lebanon’s occupation threatening the world through organizations run by them.
In the name of Palestine, they were able to dominate the entire country, erecting training camps for Arabs to fight other Arab citizens in Iraq, Gulf, Yemen, and Syria.
We can no longer fall into the trap of superstition and false excuses, like “the defense against Israel”. I do not know if Iran, Hezbollah, and Assad realize that the monstrous slaughter happening in Syria today, has written down a new page in history that cannot be overlooked nor forgotten.
The “story” of resistance and defense were never true, not for a second over the past years. Their days of taking advantage of the Palestinian cause are over.