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Egypt Copts celebrate Christmas amid security | ASHARQ AL-AWSAT English Archive 2005 -2017
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CAIRO, (AFP) – Egypt’s Coptic Christians celebrated Christmas on Saturday amid tight security, looking over their shoulders at the violence they have suffered in recent years and ahead, as Islamists emerge as the dominant force in the new parliament.

Pope Shenuda III celebrated a midnight liturgy in Cairo’s Abbassiya Cathedral, that was attended by members of Egypt’s ruling military council, including chief of staff General Sami Anan.

The elaborate service went off without a hitch, raising a collective sigh of relief from the Coptic community of some eight million people, which was targeted by murderers after midnight services two years ago and after a New Year’s Eve liturgy last year.

And Coptic churches, homes, businesses and individuals have been targeted in the months following the revolt that ousted president Hosni Mubarak in February.

Soher Hana, leaving one Cairo church after services, said “Christians don’t feel safe. They thought the revolution would herald better times, but it has been the opposite.”

Last year, more than 20 people were killed in an apparent suicide bombing as hundreds of worshippers were leaving the Al-Qidissin (The Saints) church in the Mediterranean city of Alexandria after a New Year’s Eve service.

In January 2010, six Copts and a Muslim security guard were shot dead as they emerged from a Coptic Christmas Eve liturgy.

This year, a massive plan to protect churches was executed ahead of the Christmas services.

Police and troops were deployed outside churches and surrounding streets, while all those attending services were put through security checks.

The Christmas Eve service, which traditionally ends at midnight, also took place two hours earlier this year for security reasons.

In his homily, Shenuda said “Egypt is going through a critical period of transition, but we are sure that we can do it in peace.”

He also hailed the “sacrifices” that the armed forces had made for the “good of Egypt and its people.”

In October 2011, 25 people, most of them Copts, died as they were protesting against an attack on a church when clashes broke out with soldiers outside the state television’s building.

For the first time, Islamist groups — propelled to the centre stage of politics after Mubarak stepped down — also made an appearance.

Mohammed Mursi, leader of the powerful Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party, presented his greetings to Pope Shenuda, but did not attend the service itself.

Coptic Christians, who make up around 10 percent of Egypt’s 82 million population, have been the target of frequent attacks and complain of systematic discrimination.

The Middle East’s largest Christian community has also become increasingly concerned about the rise of Islamist political influence since the uprising that toppled Mubarak.

The Freedom and Justice Party, has emerged as the front-runner in the first post-revolution parliamentary elections, followed by the Al-Nur party of the even more conservative Salafists.trying to speak in a balanced way, but statements by the Salafists that Christians are infidels and should not hold public office frighten us.”

US President Barack Obama called on Friday for the protection of Copts and other minorities.

“As events in Egypt and elsewhere have illustrated … the protection of people of all faiths, and the ability to worship as you choose are critical to a peaceful, inclusive and thriving society,” he said in a statement.

The statement said Obama and his wife Michelle “wish Coptic Orthodox Christians in the United States and around the world a blessed and joyous Christmas.”

Obama added, “I want to reaffirm the commitment of the United States to work for the protection of Christian and other religious minorities around the world.”

The Copts follow their own ancient calendar under which Christmas Day falls on January 7.