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Dozens Killed Across Iraq | ASHARQ AL-AWSAT English Archive 2005 -2017
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Media ID: 55282639

Slippers of victims are seen on the side of the road at the site of a roadside bomb on the Basra-Nasiriyah road in southern Iraq, March 11, 2008 (AFP)

Slippers of victims are seen on the side of the road at the site of a roadside bomb on the Basra-Nasiriyah road in southern Iraq, March 11, 2008 (AFP)

Slippers of victims are seen on the side of the road at the site of a roadside bomb on the Basra-Nasiriyah road in southern Iraq, March 11, 2008 (AFP)

BAGHDAD, (AP) – Violence reportedly killed at least 42 people Tuesday in Iraq after the deadliest day for U.S. troops in precisely six months.

The U.S. military, however, disputed claims that 16 passengers on a bus hit by a roadside bomb in southern Iraq were killed, saying no one died in the attack, which was targeting a passing military convoy.

It was not immediately clear why there was a discrepancy in the death toll.

The military announced that three American soldiers were killed in a roadside bombing north of Baghdad on Monday, bringing to eight the number of troops who died that day. The last time so many U.S. military personnel were killed in Iraq was Sept. 10, when 10 died.

Bloodshed has increased recently, despite what the military said has been a 60 percent drop in attacks across Iraq since June. Last Thursday, two massive bombs killed 68 people in Baghdad’s Karradah neighborhood. On March 3, two car bombings killed 24 people in the capital.

According to an Associated Press count, at the height of unrest from November 2006 to August 2007, on average approximately 65 Iraqis died each day as a result of violence. As conditions improved, the daily death toll steadily declined. It reached its lowest point in more than two years on January 2008, when on average 20 Iraqis died each day.

Those numbers have since jumped. In February, approximately 26 Iraqis died each day as a result of violence, and so far in March, that number is up to 39 daily. These figures reflect the months in which people were found, and not necessarily — in the case of mass graves — the months in which they were killed.

Military spokesman Rear Adm. Gregory Smith said Sunday that recent violence should not be taken as evidence of “an increase or a trend of an increase.”

“I think we need to continue to look at historically what has happened over the last year to really put in perspective a one-week or two-weeks’ worth of activity inside Baghdad,” Smith said.

But Smith, in what has become a military mantra of caution, also noted that “on any given day, al-Qaeda and other extremist groups are still very much disposed toward handing out violence indiscriminately to achieve whatever means and ends they hope to achieve with those attacks.”

While al-Qaeda in Iraq is Sunni, Shiite extremists with alleged ties to Iran are also believed to have carried out attacks.

In an interview with CNN Tuesday, Gen. David Petraeus, the top U.S. commander in Iraq, said he was in favor of substantive discussions with Iran about what the U.S. claims is Tehran’s continued funding and training of extremists in Iraq.

Petraeus said he did not meet with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad during his visit to Iraq last week because he thought it would have been a “relatively meaningless encounter.”

But he added: “What we would like to do with Iran of course is sit down across the table and let’s discuss. You know, the Iranians have pledged at the very highest levels to stop arming, training, funding and equipping and directing the special groups and these other militia extremist elements … and yet it appears very clear that Iran does continue.”

The roadside bombing that killed the three U.S. soldiers and an interpreter Monday took place in Diyala, a violent province where al-Qaida in Iraq has been active. Another soldier was wounded.

The five other U.S. soldiers were killed while on foot patrol in central Baghdad. A suicide bomber approached them and detonated his explosives vest. Three American troops and an Iraqi interpreter were wounded. Iraqi police said two civilians also were killed in the attack.

In a statement Wednesday, the military also said an American soldier died Tuesday after his patrol was hit by a roadside bomb near Diwaniyah, 80 miles south of Baghdad. Two other soldiers were wounded in the blast.

Tuesday’s attack on the bus traveling from Najaf to Basra killed 16 civilians and wounded 20, said Dr. Hadi Badr al-Riyahi, head of the provincial health directorate. He added that the Nasiriyah and Suq al-Shiyoukh hospitals received 10 killed and 10 injured. Others were taken to facilities in Basra.

A local policeman said on condition of anonymity, as he was not authorized to speak to the media, that 16 were killed and 22 injured. The assistant bus driver, who identified himself only as Mohsen, also said 16 people were killed.

But Maj. Brad Leighton, a military spokesman in Baghdad, disputed that claim, telling The Associated Press only one coalition soldier and one Iraqi civilian were wounded in the attack about 50 miles south of Nasiriyah, which sits 200 miles southeast of Baghdad.

“The IED was targeting a supply convoy,” Leighton said, using the military term for a roadside bomb. “The bus only received minor damage — it drove away on its own. We were right there, and our numbers say one coalition force wounded, one local national wounded.”

Gunmen also sprayed another bus with machine-gun fire shortly after it hit a roadside bomb in eastern Baghdad. One person was killed and four others were wounded, police said. The bomb was apparently targeting a nearby police patrol.

In Duluiyah, 45 miles north of Baghdad, police said a suicide bomber blew up his truck at a checkpoint near the headquarters of the local Awakening Council, killing five people. Awakening Councils are made up of mostly Sunni fighters who have accepted U.S. backing to switch allegiances and fight al-Qaeda in Iraq.

And in Kut, 100 miles southeast of Baghdad, U.S. special forces supporting Iraqi police clashed with a breakaway faction of Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr’s Mahdi Army militia. The U.S. military said in a statement that “several armed suspects” were killed. Local police officials said 12 of the fighters were killed and 14 injured. Thirty people were arrested.

In Mosul, an unknown number of gunmen attacked a police checkpoint in Mosul, killing four policemen and injuring one civilian. Four of the attacking gunmen also were killed in the firefight, according to a Ninevah police officer who spoke on condition of anonymity.

A wounded Iraqi man walks in front of a US Humvee securing the area at the site of a roadside bomb on the Basra-Nasiriyah road in southern Iraq, March 11, 2008 (AFP)

A wounded Iraqi man walks in front of a US Humvee securing the area at the site of a roadside bomb on the Basra-Nasiriyah road in southern Iraq, March 11, 2008 (AFP)

Iraqi security forces and residents gather near a crater after a car bomb attack in Dhuluiya, an area to the north of Baghdad, March 12, 2008 (REUTERS)

Iraqi security forces and residents gather near a crater after a car bomb attack in Dhuluiya, an area to the north of Baghdad, March 12, 2008 (REUTERS)