Riyadh, Asharq Al-Awsat- Police in Riyadh arrested a group of three women and four men on charges of fraud. The gang had reportedly convinced a Saudi citizen that it could transform counterfeit currency into real money by pouring a certain liquid over it. The gang persuaded the Saudi citizen to hand over 400 Saudi Riyals in exchange for one million dollars worth of counterfeit currency. The Saudi reported the gang to Saudi authorities.
In the statement made by the Saudi citizen, it said that he met the members of the gang when he approached two of the women to ask them to about healing an illness from which he was suffering by way of magic. He remained friends with the two women who soon introduced him to the other members of the gang.
The criminal investigation branch of Riyadh police department had gathered details of the crime as well as the gang’s activities and whereabouts. The Saudi told authorities that the gang deliberately changed the locations of where they would take him. The police carried out a well-organized operation and arrested the gang. The money has since been returned to the victim.
Riyadh’s security authorities have recently intensified efforts to track down fraudulent gangs that many of the city’s residents have complained about.