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Mubarak’s state of mind– Psychiatric analysis | ASHARQ AL-AWSAT English Archive 2005 -2017
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Cairo, Asharq Al-Awsat – Prominent Egyptian psychiatrist Dr. Ahmed Okasha, former president of the World Psychiatric Association, has been closely monitoring the trial of former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. Analyzing Hosni Mubarak’s appearance in court, Dr. Okasha told Asharq Al-Awsat that “the former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak is exhibiting a form egomania and arrogance as he seems to believe that he never makes mistakes, and he considers himself an emissary of divine providence.” He added “Mubarak believes that he cannot be held accountable to the people, but rather by history and God.”

Former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak appeared in court for the second time on Monday, facing charges of ordering the deaths of protesters, misusing public funds, and unlawfully making private gains. Dr. Okasha stressed that the former president would most likely continue to deny that he committed any mistakes or crimes against the people of Egypt, due to his egomania, which is borne out of successfully remaining in power for so long. The Egyptian psychiatrist added that Mubarak is a “stubborn” person with “modest intelligence.”

Dr. Ahmed Okasha informed Asharq Al-Awsat that he analyzed Hosni Mubarak’s appearance in court as a “human behavior expert”, rather than as a psychiatrist, because psychiatric ethics prohibit him from professionally analyzing any public or political figure without carrying out the requisite psychiatric tests and investigations, which would be subject to doctor – patient confidentiality in any case.

Dr. Okasha also claimed that “Mubarak is not suffering from any illness that necessitates him appearing in court from his hospital bed, for he could attend court in a wheelchair…but he wants to play on people’s sympathy, according to his [legal] defense team’s advice.”

As for Mubarak’s court appearance on Monday, where he seemed confident and coherent, Dr. Okasha stressed that “wielding absolute power for an extended period of time results in a person suffering from a form of egomania and arrogance.” He added that as a result of this, Mubarak “believes that he never makes mistakes and that he is the emissary of divine providence…and that he is not accountable to the people but rather to history and God.”

Dr. Ahmed Okasha, who is a professor of psychiatry at Ain Shams University in Cairo, also informed Asharq Al-Awsat that Mubarak’s appearance and body-language indicate that “he does not believe that he has made any mistakes, he believes that he gave and granted [the people everything], but they do not understand.”

Dr. Okasha clarified that Mubarak’s appearance and body language in court indicate that the former Egyptian president is still in a state of shock, and is astonished at the accusations being made against him. He stressed that Mubarak’s body-language seemed to indicate that the former president was incredulous at what was happening, and it was as if he was asking “what are you people doing? I have done nothing wrong!”

He also told Asharq Al-Awsat that, in his opinion, “Mubarak has no awareness whatsoever of the extent of the corruption that occurred during his era.” He added “I believe that he [Mubarak] was absent from what was happening around him.”

The Egyptian psychiatrist also stressed that “there is no other ruler in the world who has remained in power for approximately 30 years and who only engages with his people through the security apparatus.” He clarified that Mubarak’s three speeches to the people during the revolution, and before he stepped down from power, confirm this analysis.

Dr. Okasha predicted that Mubarak would continue to deny committing any wrongs or mistakes, stressing that he is suffering from egomania after staying in power for such a long period of time.

The well-known Egyptian psychiatrist also alluded to a famous meeting between Egyptian-American scholars and the then president of Egypt, where Mubarak introduced himself as the “President of Egypt” and boasted of possessing a “PhD in stubbornness.” Dr. Okasha believes that this stubbornness reflects Mubarak’s “modest intelligence”, for it requires greater intelligence for a person to change their viewpoint and perception.

He also clarified that “Mubarak’s intelligence and academic achievements were modest, he obtained the second lowest ranking in his college class; therefore he does not possess a high level of intellect.” However Dr. Okasha did acknowledge that “he [Mubarak] was a committed and disciplined officer who understood his work and followed orders.”

Dr. Okasha also told Asharq Al-Awsat that Mubarak being brought to trial is a unique event, for since the time of the Ancient Egyptians until today no Egyptian leader has ever been brought to trial in this manner. He stressed that this is something that makes post-revolutionary Egypt a model for the entire world.