Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi has clearly declared it from Doha this week when he said: “For many years, I called for the bringing of sects together, and I travelled to Iran. But these bigots and fanatics want to eradicate Sunnis. They have deceived me, and deceived many like me.”
Sheikh Qaradawi’s comments came in response to [Hezbollah leader] Hassan Nasrallah’s speech, in which he said he would stand by Bashar Al-Assad, and fight in his defense. Qaradawi did not stop there, however, admitting that he had defended Hassan Nasrallah and his party, specifically since the Hezbollah adventure which resulted in an Israeli war on Lebanon in 2006. Qaradawi described that by saying: “I stood against the respected scholars in Saudi urging support for Hezbollah. Saudi scholars, however, were wiser than me, because they saw these people for what they were.”
Alright, the question now is: If Qaradawi has admitted his mistake, and has admitted that Saudi scholars were wiser than him; what are Qaradawi’s students and followers waiting for? Why do they not apologize for their insults and false campaigns? Why do they not apologize to those who were wiser and more sensible? It is true that Saudi scholars were alert, but there was a minority from those who were sensible, who warned of the dangers of Hezbollah and Iran. They warned against Assad’s regime, and the lie that is the resistance and the opposition. They even warned against Iran’s allies, such as the Hamas Movement, in fear for our issues, stability and security, and not for the sectarian motive which Qaradawi is talking about now.
The warning against Iran and its allies was not for sectarian reasons, but was against anyone who wanted to promote extremism, whether they were Shi’ite or Sunni, or for partisan reasons, such as the Muslim Brotherhood’s relationship with Tehran, or those who want to benefit from sectarianism to divide our ranks, or destroy our nation.
It is correct to say that Qaradawi’s comments are right, but they do not exonerate him. Who is going to pay for the years of Brotherhood harmony with Tehran? Who takes responsibility for the bloodshed in our region? Who is going to clean up and rectify this mind-corrupting legacy? Why do detractors not apologize for their appalling insults, and the fabrication and promotion of false, defamatory campaigns?
It is not enough for those who supported Nasrallah to turn against him today, those who took photographs with him proudly, without apologizing for years of false and slanderous actions. It is not an issue of a personal vendetta, but insuring that mistakes are not repeated. The important thing now is, for those who turned against Iran, not to serve its aims twice; first when they became its allies and gave it a foothold in our region, and second by fueling sectarianism, in defense of Syrians.
Our duty today is to avoid being dragged behind Iran’s aims, and to be careful not to help its sectarian plan succeed. It is necessary to make people aware of the danger posed by Iran and its allies to our region, and to defuse the sectarian tension which can destroy the entire region.
Therefore, what is expected now from Qaradawi’s supporters is an apology, and not to be drawn behind another new extremist idea, not less harmful than their first.
Qaradawi and his followers should not only apologize but also compensate for the terrible flaws committed by them. One of the most unpardonable mistakes committed by these religious leaders was their efforts to destabilize Egypt by removing Mubarak from power. Secondly they were instrumental in forcing Egypt to normalize with Iran and allowed Ahmedenejad to hoodwink Egypt and other Middle Eastern powers to agree for a Conference to solve the Syrian crisis. This venture gave the Syrian monster the much needed breathing space, when his regime was collapsing like a house of cards. Today after getting refreshed with Iranian help he is bent upon eradicating the Liberation Forces who have fought heroically despite little support from their well wishers. Today Middle East is on the edge of an abyss. Even the stability of the popular Turkish regime is being threatened It is in the interest of the Islamic nation, that religious scholars should confine their activity to religious affairs rather than indulging in politics which is certainly not their cup of tea..
Qardawi and Nasralla are two faces of the same coin, each thinks he has the right to speak for God, when they are only humans. It would be nice to see someone pointing this out instead of treating Qardawi as a scholar- treat him as what he really is, a man who changes Islam in accordance to his mood that day. Suicide is harm, per the Koran, period, Mr. Qardawi. It is interesting he has pushed many to commit suicide in the name of Jihad, but he himself has not lead by example- meaning it is OK for others, but not for him.
Qardawi and Nasrallah are two sides of the same coin- I wish he would be treated as what he is, an instigator of fitna, I would even take it a step further to call him a terrorist. Suicide is haram Mr. Qardawi, per the Koran, no human being has the right to change that. Even worse, if he believed in what he was preaching, why not be the example, and do it himself for the sake of ‘jiahd’- the truth is, it is OK for other people to do it, and ruin other people’s countries, but not for him- a man who does not practice what he preaches