Middle-east Arab News Opinion | Asharq Al-awsat

Nasrallah: Caught in a Trap | ASHARQ AL-AWSAT English Archive 2005 -2017
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Let us look at Hassan Nasrallah’s attack on the International Tribunal, which is simply perplexing, for how else can we explain Hezbollah figures welcoming the release of the four Generals and the fiery sermon given by Nasrallah [attacking the International tribunal] on the very same day, unless the Hezbollah leadership is divided amongst itself.

What is important in Nasrallah’s statement is what he said about Rafik Al Hariri’s assassination, and his call for openness to all possibilities [of who was responsible], including the possibility that “Israel carried out the assassination.” Nasrallah added that Saad Al Hariri had said that “an individual could not have carried out an operation like the assassination of Al Hariri, and this is certain, and here I ask: Is it possible for Israel to have carried out an operation like this? Of course. Does Israel have a motive? Of course, for Israel desired a Lebanese civil war that involved the resistance.”

Indeed, let us agree with Bin Nasrallah and his premise, and take stock of a “political hypothesis” that supports his position, which is a very popular theory amongst Arabs, namely that Israel have been involved in a number of great crimes that have targeted us. But what is this hypothesis based upon?

First and foremost that former US President George Bush carried out the Israeli plan of toppling Saddam Hussein’s regime, while many Arabs believe that Israel are responsible for poisoning former Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat.

Today Bin Nasrallah emerges to tell us that Israel was behind the assassination of martyr Rafik Al Hariri, and here the question must be asked: Who benefits from all of these Israeli crimes? Let us see.

The greatest Palestinian beneficiary [of this] is Iran’s ally Hamas, and we have witnessed the Hamas leadership praying in Tehran. As for Iraq, it is enough to recall that Washington today is negotiating with Iran on Iraq. This is not all [with regards to negotiations], for Hezbollah is also negotiating with Britain for [the release of] prisoners in Iraq.

As for the Lebanese, this issue does not require a lengthy list. Hezbollah and its ‘sacred king” who occupied central Beirut now hold the casting vote in Lebanese politics due to possessing a third of the seats in parliament. This “sacred king” is Bin Nasrallah, who is proud of being a member of the Wali Al Faqih party.

And so the biggest beneficiary of all of these Israeli crimes is Iran and its agents in our region. Here we must remember the complaint made by Mahdi Akef, the General Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood when he said that “the Sunnis are poverty stricken.” So is Hassan Nasrallah now aware that he has fallen into his own trap by underestimating our intelligence?

We are well aware of Israel’s crimes against us, but the last think that we want is for others to use this as a pretext to justifying their own crimes against us. Bin Nasrallah’s confusion reveals that Hezbollah is at an impasse as it is unable to take up arms against Israel due to international resolutions, and its followers have been expressing displeasure with regards to what happened to them in 2006. The rest of the Lebanese people do not trust [Hezbollah’s] weapons as they have been used against them [in the past]. Hezbollah has returned to its usual position of being – no more, and no less – than an instrument of Iran in the Arab world, following the discovery of its cell in Egypt.

Truly Nasrallah has fallen into a trap.