Middle-east Arab News Opinion | Asharq Al-awsat

U.N. | ASHARQ AL-AWSAT English Archive 2005 -2017
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Media ID: 55363263

EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini, pictured on January 16, 2016. (AFP Photo/Joe Klamar)

Media ID: 55363261

People shop at the old market in the historic city of Sana’a, Yemen, October 21, 2016. REUTERS/Mohamed al-Sayaghi

Media ID: 55363240

Syrian children play on a street with plastic toy guns on July 6, 2016. AMEER ALHALBI / AFP

Nearly 20,000 Children Flee Aleppo

Nearly 20,000 Children Flee Aleppo

Aleppo- The United Nations said on Friday that nearly 20,000 children have fled their homes in battered east Aleppo in recent days, warning that time is running out to provide them with the help they desperately need. The U.N. said some 31,500 people had fled their...
Media ID: 55363182

A Syrian child who fled with his family from rebel-held areas in the city of Aleppo. (AFP)

Calls for Saving Aleppo before it is Too Late

Calls for Saving Aleppo before it is Too Late

Beirut- As the Syrian regime deployed on Thursday additional forces ahead of a push in the more populated neighborhoods of east Aleppo, calls emerged to save the city before it was too late. A global coalition of 223 nongovernmental organizations, including Human...
Media ID: 55363161

A Houthi mans a machine gun mounted on a patrol truck as he secures a vigil marking the anniversary of a double bomb attack in Sana’a, Yemen, September 2, 2016. REUTERS/Khaled Abdullah