Middle-east Arab News Opinion | Asharq Al-awsat

U.N. | ASHARQ AL-AWSAT English Archive 2005 -2017
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Media ID: 55363550

People ride a tricycle as they flee deeper into the remaining rebel-held areas of Aleppo, Syria December 7, 2016. Reuters

Media ID: 55363531

U.N., Sri Lanka, President Maithripala Sirisen,Tigers of Tamil Eelan,EPA

U.N. Urges Sri Lanka to Probe War Crimes

U.N. Urges Sri Lanka to Probe War Crimes

A U.N. rights watchdog called on Sri Lanka on Wednesday to investigate “routine torture” of detainees by security forces and rebuked its government for failing to prosecute war crimes committed during the country’s 26-year civil war. The Sri Lankan...
Media ID: 55363386

Syrian pro-government troops hold a position in Aleppo’s eastern Karm al-Jabal neighborhood/ George Ourfalian/AFP

Media ID: 55363336

A boy stands amid the damage in the rebel-held besieged al-Shaar neighborhood of Aleppo, Syria November 23, 2016. REUTERS/Abdalrhman Ismail

Media ID: 55363289

Syrian residents fleeing the eastern part of Aleppo gather in Masaken Hanano, a former rebel-held district which was retaken by the regime forces last week, on November 30, 2016 (AFP Photo/George OURFALIAN)