Middle-east Arab News Opinion | Asharq Al-awsat

torture | ASHARQ AL-AWSAT English Archive 2005 -2017
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Media ID: 55344240

Indian college students take part in a demonstartion on the occasion of United Nations International Day in Support of Victims of Torture in Bangalore on June 26, 2015. The students demanded the Indian government to ratify the convention against torture and other cruel, inhuman, degrading treatment or punishment and to pass a domestic legislation categorically prohibiting torture. AFP PHOTO/ Manjunath KIRAN

Opinion: Our Desperate Attempts to Reject Torture

Opinion: Our Desperate Attempts to Reject Torture

This month is dedicated to a global media campaign against torture. Documented testimonies, investigations, articles and videos of survivors from across the world are being broadcast on alternative media platforms and websites in an attempt to exert more pressure on...
Media ID: 55311300

Photo: AFP

The Monster and his Jailer

The Monster and his Jailer

Sidon, Asharq Al-Awsat—Mohammed could not believe his eyes when he suddenly met his former Syrian jailer in Sidon. The man who used to torture Mohammed in Syria had fled to Lebanon following the unrest in his country, Syria. The Lebanese man is known in his...
Media ID: 55308473

Abu Qatada returns to his north London home after being freed on bail in England, on November 13, 2012. (EPA/Andy Rain)

Media ID: 55297137

In this file picture taken on November 13, 2012 terror suspect Abu Qatada arrives at his home in northwest London , after he was released from prison. (AFP Photo)

Britain’s Abu Qatada Appeal Unanimously Rejected

Britain’s Abu Qatada Appeal Unanimously Rejected

London, Asharq Al-Awsat—The latest attempt by the British government to deport the controversial Jordanian-born cleric Abu Qatada failed today after a ruling by the country’s Court of Appeal. The court’s three judges unanimously rejected an appeal from British Home...
Media ID: 55296441

A picture of Syrian revolutionary and former detainee Muhammed. (AAA)

Portrait of a Syrian Revolutionary

Portrait of a Syrian Revolutionary

Aleppo, Asharq Al-Awsat—“There are still so many things I don’t understand,” says Muhammed. “Why did I go there? How did I get out?” Lighting another cigarette he pauses to collect his thoughts before resuming his litany of questions. He knows he should have died in a...