Media ID: 55382688
Media ID: 55360250
Media ID: 55356311
Revellers dressed up as emoticons take part in New Year celebrations in Coin, near Malaga, southern Spain, January 1, 2017. (Photo by Jon Nazca/Reuters)
Inside a Whole Foods in Brooklyn. Credit Nina Westervelt for The New York Times
How to Pick the Fastest Line at the Supermarket
You dash into the supermarket for a few necessities. You figure it will be 10 minutes — tops — before you are done and on your way home. Then you get to the checkout lanes and they are brimming with shoppers. Your plan for a quick exit begins to evaporate. But all is...Caption:
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally in Fort Worth, Texas, February 26, 2016. REUTERS/Mike Stone