Media ID: 55377068
Media ID: 55364306
Media ID: 55353030
Media ID: 55352739
The Institute of Cancer Research says blood tests for cancer
promise to be truly revolutionary, as they are cheap and simple to
use. Photograph: Elaine Thompson/AP
New prostate cancer tests aim to reduce detection and treatment
of harmless tumors | Fox News
Drug Based on Sea-Bed Bacteria to Cure Prostate Cancer
London- In the newest medical development in the treatments of Prostate cancer in its early stages, British and European researchers have succeeded in using a kind of bacteria living in dark seas that secrete its toxins when exposed to light to attack cancerous tumors...Caption:
New prostate therapy
New Treatment Promising Prostate Cancer-Free Body in 90 Minutes
Tel Aviv- London- Researchers, in a groundbreaking discovery, developed a photodynamic treatment which targets and terminates early stage prostate cancer tumors within 90 min. The treatment, discovered by two Weizmann Institute professors, has been developed and...Caption: