Media ID: 55333334
Media ID: 55333600
Media ID: 55333598
Media ID: 55333597
Refugees fleeing from Mosul head to the self-ruled northern Kurdish region in Erbil, Iraq, 217 miles (350 kilometers) north of Baghdad, on Thursday, June 12, 2014. (AP Photo)
File photo of Fouad Ajami.
Fouad Ajami, His Books, and the Arab Political Condition
“Khalil Hawi, a poet of renown and professor at the American University of Beirut, educated at that university and at Cambridge, killed himself in the evening of June 6, 1982, at the age of sixty-two, on the balcony of his home in West Beirut.” Thus began one of the...Caption:
File photo of Fouad Ajami.
Remembering Fouad Ajami
I first became aware of Professor Fouad Ajami as a graduate student when I read his book The Arab Predicament, which left a deep impression. It is masterful in describing the intellectual, political and cultural torments of the Arab world in the wake of the defeat in...Caption: