Media ID: 55365632
Media ID: 55364003
Media ID: 55362298
Media ID: 55357247
Media ID: 55350389
The president’s 2009 speech in Cairo, broadcast in a cafe in Baghdad. Credit Moises Saman for The New York Ti
Opinion: Obama – the Beginning and the End
Next month, the USA and the whole world will turn the page of Barack Obama’s presidency; bidding farewell to eight years whose early days were full of promise, but for tens of millions ended with sadness and disasters. Like lottery tickets, electoral democracy is...Caption:
Opinion: Will Trump’s First Political Lesson be Putin?
Days after the former US President George W Bush junior was elected, the Russian leader Vladimir Putin sought to arrange a meeting with the then President-elect but Bush’s team at the time delayed the meeting for months. The meeting between Bush and Putin took place...Caption:
Opinion: Deceptive Leaders
In the west disgrace afflicts those who deceive their own people, not those who are defeated. The Chilcot report on the Iraq war does not condemn Tony Blair because he lost the war, but rather because he, along with George W. Bush, was involved in one of the worst...Caption: