Media ID: 55380225
Media ID: 55377826
Media ID: 55371780
Media ID: 55371777
Media ID: 55368643
Relatives inspect after an overnight suicide attack at a mosque in Herat, Afghanistan. August 2, 2017.
Afghan immigrants working at a brick kiln in Pakdasht, Iran. Millions of undocumented Afghans live in Iran. Credit Fatemeh Bahrami/Anadolu Agency, via Getty Images
How Iran Recruited Afghan Refugees to Fight in Syria
BAMIAN, Afghanistan — War and poverty have scattered Afghans across the globe like pieces of shrapnel. Millions of Afghans came of age in refugee camps in Pakistan and Iran or as workers in the Persian Gulf nations. The migration continues. The past few years have...Caption:
A Massive Ordnance Air Blast (MOAB) weapon © DOD / AFP
Some in Afghanistan Question US Choice to Use 22,000-pound Bomb against ISIS
KABUL — US forces in Afghanistan have not yet assessed the impact of a massive strike on ISIS militants in the eastern part of the country, a military spokesman said Friday, raising questions about the already controversial decision to deploy a 22,000-pound bomb on...Caption:
The GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast bomb is pictured in this undated handout photo. Elgin Air Force Base / Reuters
‘Mother of all Bombs’ and Mr. President
“Mother of all bombs” is really scary, it weighs ten tons and has unprecedented explosive capabilities, if we exclude the nuclear bomb. The bomb is designed to penetrate barricades and invade dungeons and tunnels. There is no hope for anyone in the targeted place. It...Caption:
FILE PHOTO – A man mourns the death of a relative who was killed in a suicide blast at the tomb of Sufi saint Syed Usman Marwandi, also known as the Lal Shahbaz Qalandar shrine, on Thursday evening in Sehwan Sharif, Pakistan’s southern Sindh province, February 17, 2017. REUTERS/Akhtar Soomro/File Photo