The rifts and disagreements, currently erupting between Muslims, fills oneself with grief and sorrow. How can the sons of the Islamic nation become divided when they share the same religion and follow the Quran and the Prophet’s Sunna? We ask God for guidance and relief from this suffering.
The Quran clearly states that Muslims should unite and agree on a unified stance. They should bond together into a cohesive group, in order to form a vital shield against their enemies, who want to harm them. Such ties would also rescue them from the oppression of those who harbor hatred toward Islam and its people.
If these conditions are achieved and a rightly guided consensus is reached, Islam and its people will be strong. They will be able to confront those who seek to destabilize their religion, undermine their security or tarnish their reputation. Unfortunately, this is what happened in the early period of Islam, when the seeds of discord were sowed amongst Muslims. They raised their swords against each other; their blood was shed and the strength of the Umma was lost. This happened when bad intentions prevailed, such as when Abdullah bin Sabaa provoked strife and split between the sons of the Muslim Umma. They became divided and were split into different groups. They accused each other of being infidels and of deviating from the right path. A profound schism then took place and malicious acts weakened the nation and paved the way for its enemies to dominate it.
Today, we urgently need to apply the Quran and the Sunna and to refer to them for guidance, in case of disputes. We must be a moderate nation that accepts guidance and temperance. This is especially the case as we are currently seeing major disagreements arise and broad conflicts occur. This is because we no longer resort to the two holy sources of revelation and we refrain from practicing their teachings.
Strife and conflicts are engulfing Muslims and weakening them in front of their opponents, everywhere. Anyone who has followed events in recent years and witnessed the succession of calamities realizes this very well.
I implore God to spread his mercy on his Umma and lay out the road of salvation!