Middle-east Arab News Opinion | Asharq Al-awsat

Al-Qaeda: Upset with Ahmadinejad | ASHARQ AL-AWSAT English Archive 2005 -2017
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Take note of the following news item:

“In the latest edition of Inspire magazine, the seventh issue of Al Qaeda’s English language publication, one of the writers, Abu Suhail, launched a scathing attack on what he described as the “ridiculous” theory which President Ahmadinejad has always promoted, namely that the September 11th attacks were carried out by the U.S. government to serve as a pretext for invading the Middle East.”

This news item, published by Asharq Al-Awsat, goes on to directly quote the Al Qaeda affiliate – Abu Suhail – in question. He says “For them [Iran], Al Qaeda was a competitor for the hearts and minds of the disenfranchised Muslims around the world. Al Qaeda, an organization under fire, with no state, succeeded in [doing] what Iran couldn’t. Therefore it was necessary for the Iranians to discredit 9/11 and what better way to do so? Conspiracy theories!”

Regardless of the nature and character of Abu Suhail, I sympathize with his point of view and add my voice to his regarding the necessity of protecting the moral rights of the Al Qaeda organization [with regards to their responsibility for the 9/11 attacks]. Ahmadinejad is attempting to refute and deny these same rights by putting forward conspiracy theories and refusing to accept Al Qaeda’s account of the 9/11 attacks.

Of course it would be completely absurd to return to debating whether or not Al Qaeda was responsible for the 9/11 attacks, particularly in light of the clear evidence that exists in this regard, namely video-taped confessions and wills, the subsequent information revealed about the 9/11 hijackers, as well as Al Qaeda – and its affiliates and imitators – carrying out other terrorist attacks across the globe, from London to Madrid, Istanbul to Casablanca, Riyadh to Cairo. Could all of these terrorist attacks be fabrications and the result of western conspiracies, as the hallucinations of Ahmadinejad and those like him in the Arab and Western world would have it?

Therefore it is clear that it would be truly absurd to return to such debates. However, I was impressed by the evolution of Al Qaeda’s discourse and rhetoric, and its increasing “sensitivity.” It is wonderful to see al-Qaeda promoting the idea of protecting intellectual property rights and registered trademarks. If we were to strip Al Qaeda of responsibility for the 9/11 attacks, then Osama Bin Laden and his followers would have had nothing to boast about!

It was due to these attacks that Osama Bin Laden was crowned as a sacred icon in the hearts and minds of angry Muslim youth in Pakistan, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Libya, and other Arab and Muslim countries.

The reality is that Ahmadinejad is not interested in the truth, or promoting what really happened. All he is interested in is taunting the Americans and the West, out of spite and maliciousness.

The people of the Middle East are truly, in many of our actions and reactions, emotional and impulsive. We do not care much about the value of the truth and the fact that the truth alone possesses a special moral power and value. The truth is more than just an instrument to be used in conflict and discord. Unfortunately, we tend to believe or disbelieve people according to our personal feelings and view of them, not according to the evidence at hand.

In any case, I just wanted to extend a word of reproach to Iranian President Ahmadinejad, the great believer and freedom fighter, and friend of heroic and secessionist Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir. This is because both leaders are pursuing the same path of stripping Al Qaeda of its moral rights [regarding their responsibility for the 9/11 attacks]. This is something that angers the Al Qaeda youth and ruffles their feathers. Mr. President, do you want them to sleep with troubled minds? What happened to comradeship?