Middle-east Arab News Opinion | Asharq Al-awsat

The faces of right and wrong | ASHARQ AL-AWSAT English Archive 2005 -2017
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As I write this the news headlines continue to come in from Syria, announcing alarming numbers of dead and wounded in all cities, at the hands of the Syrian army and the regime’s ferocious forces, seeking to exterminate the people without mercy or respite. Rivers of blood are being shed and queues of people are being exterminated, but all this seems to be the price required for rights, freedom, dignity and justice. Likewise, these acts also expose completely and clearly a regime that has always been adept in lies and deception, which has embraced the Russian and Chinese veto in the UN Security Council, interpreting it as a license to completely liquidate the revolution and all the rebels.

However, the reality has shown that the brutal tyranny of the regime has united the rebels in Syria, and new numbers are joining them from areas that were previously dormant or reluctant. The same applies to many countries around the world that used to adopt sympathetic stances towards the regime because they were convinced by what al-Assad promoted through his official channels. Perhaps the most prominent of these changing attitudes is the transformation undertaken by India, a state of considerable importance and stature, which has changed its stance completely and has become convinced that the al-Assad regime is killing its own people, and will never seek to reform in any way.

In the next few hours a genuine and very important change will be announced, in terms of Arab support for the great Syrian revolution. Afterwards some Arab states will expel the al-Assad regime’s ambassadors from their territory, and withdraw their own representatives from Syria. The number of states to do so will rise, and in the next few days news reports should come in stating that these states will also recognize the Syrian National Council (SNC) as the sole legitimate representative of the Syrian people, and will install its ambassadors on their territory. These states will continue to deal with the Free Syrian Army (FSA) as the legitimate and honorable protector and defender in the face of the Syrian regime that kills its own people. Likewise a message will be sent on behalf of some of these states to both China and Russia, in protest and denunciation of their veto, and to explain the extent of the damage that will be incurred by these two countries in the Arab world’s popular and political arena, and the danger this will pose to future relations.

The story of the revolution, its icons and its history are written with the blood of those who have died for it, but the revolution will also be written by the voices of those who stand with it and support it, endorsing it with funding and righteous words.

The al-Assad regime has committed acts against its own people similar to what other repressive regimes did in the past, and they had to be eliminated and their people rescued. It is very clear that the regime has stepped up the pace of its barbaric, brutal, sectarian and racist killings, without any deterrent and with no fear or regard for any values, meanings or sanctities. Likewise, the Syrians now know who is standing with them with a clear and righteous conscience, and who is contributing to their deaths with lies, fabrications, fraud and hypocrisy. This is a situation with a clear separation between right and wrong; and “god will distinguish good from bad”, as the Almighty said in the Holy Book.

The Syrian revolution is the most important revolution, because it is the result of long-term injustice cloaked in the illusions of Arabism, resistance and deceptive opposition. The al-Assad regime is not only collapsing in terms of legitimacy and politics, but first and foremost, it has collapsed morally par excellence.

Today, Bashar al-Assad’s repressive regime is pushing its country towards a sectarian and civil war, inciting terror and threatening the scarecrow of religious extremism as an alternative to its rule. It carries out failed terrorist operations in Damascus and Aleppo (each time on a Friday, what a coincidence!) before the demonstrations. This is in order to intimidate the population of the two largest cities and scare them so they do not think about joining the rebels. But the regime has been exposed by the speed of its television cameras arriving on the scene minutes after the bombings take place. Hence, contrary to what the regime wanted, the anger in the largest cities has turned upon al-Assad and sided with the revolution, as seen in the increasing number of those joining the rebels.

Syria today is the most important face of the confrontation between good and evil; right and wrong. The revolution represents right and the al-Assad regime represents wrong. The choice is clear.