Instagram’s headquarters. About 700 million people now use the photo-sharing service every month, with about 400 million of them checking in daily. CreditChristie Hemm Klok for The New York Times
Farhad Manjoo, The New York Times’s technology columnist, at home. He has installed cameras around his home to capture charming moments from his children’s lives.
Jason Henry for The New York Times
He Turned His Home Into a Reality Television Show
How do New York Times journalists use technology in their jobs and in their personal lives? The Times’s technology columnist discussed the tech he’s using. As a technology columnist, what devices and apps do you use to do your job? I’m not sure I’ve arrived at any...Caption:
A street in Bangalore, India, as seen by an Uber driver. Uber is pouring money, engineers and logistical expertise into what could be the world’s largest market for transportation services. Credit Atul Loke for The New York Times
Uber Wants to Rule the World. First It Must Conquer India
BANGALORE, India — Nandini Balasubramanya’s office here on the southern edge of India’s technology capital does not look as if it would play a key role in the world’s most valuable start-up’s plans for global conquest. On many days, the tiny space has no electricity....Caption:
Credit Doug Chayka via The New York Times
The Online Ad Industry is Undergoing Self-Reflection
Digital ads are easy to hate. Sure, they support much of today’s media and technology business. They give us social networks and search engines and — oh, for the love of Pete, can you just let me watch my video already? Why are you making me sit through 30 seconds of...Caption:
Donald J. Trump’s frequent use of Twitter to express his views has inspired calls from some to have him banned from the platform. Credit Doug Chayka