One questions whether Iraqi politicians are actually paying any attention to the frustration of the Iraqi people towards the egotistical behavior of these politicians and whether they are aware of how foreign politicians are perceiving their behavior, which is governed by their personal, partisan and sectarian interests.
What could the nation that has challenged terrorism three times be feeling? They have risked their lives, gone to the election booths with their children accompanying them as a clear defiance against terrorism and in support of the political process that has ended up a political battle that is pathetic. This state of conflict is far from the national spirit of responsibility and respect for the Iraqi citizens who love their homeland. What a great gift this has been nevertheless for international terrorism that is killing Iraqis, and for the remnants of Saddam’s regime and institutions. These can now enjoy the delaying of political duties and the forming of government and the continuous battle for parliamentary seats in such a primitive manner.
There is also the frustration of the unemployed who await an active economy for the country from which they can earn a living. What about the disappointment of the country’s businessmen who wait for Iraq to stabilize so that the economy may develop. What are the teachers and university professors experiencing as they wait for the situation in Iraq to become stable and for the reform of the education system to take place so that the Iraqi academic system can be respected and described as an inspiration once again. It is clear that for most Iraqi politicians, time is of no value and that procrastination is what takes place rather than an actual political process.
Many would argue that we are being harsh towards Iraqi political leaders, that they face serious opposition and that there are factional issues that need to be taken into consideration. However, why has a temporary technocratic government whose members are not involved with political parties not been established? Why can a professional military officer not run the ministry of defense and an independent educational figure run the ministry of education? Would it not be more successful if a government of devoted technocrats was established rather than two political parties that transform ministries and institutions into factional and partisan partnerships. We can only explain the rejection of a transitory government of technocrats and independent figures as factional egoism, personal interests and extremist factional and partisan thinking. Iraqis have had to pay a heavy price and after so much suffering, it is their right to lead normal lives. Can politicians and party members listen to the voice of reason and place the interests of Iraq above personal and factional interests? Unfortunately, there are no signs to indicate so…