Middle-east Arab News Opinion | Asharq Al-awsat

First Perpetrator of the Paris Terror Attacks Buried in Private | ASHARQ AL-AWSAT English Archive 2005 -2017
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Media ID: 55346048

Samy Amimour

Samy Amimour

Samy Amimour

Several Paris sources revealed that the remains of one of the perpetrators of last month’s terrorist attacks in Paris was buried in a private ceremony with a few participants.

Samy Amimour was one of three men who participated in the Bataclan concert hall bloody massacre last November. Amimour was reportedly buried in one of the La Courneuve cemeteries for Muslims.

Local sources confirmed that Amimour is one of the first Paris attackers to be buried. French authorities prevented any public funerals being arranged for suicide attackers and terrorists generally, fearing their burial sites would be turned into shrines visited by their supporters.

The terrorist was born in the suburbs of La Courneuve- Drancy, where his parents currently reside.
Moreover his family said that Amimour worked as a bus driver before travelling to Syria two years ago, after he was radicalized and became an extremist.

French authorities declared a ban on public gatherings in certain areas in Corsica capital Ajaccio after two continuous days of Anti-Arab protests. Furthermore, they have also closed down the Jardins de l’Empereur, a low-income residential area, with Corsica’s administration announcing that the ban would continue until Jan. 4.
Hundreds of demonstrators protested in several places around the low-income area of Ajaccio on Friday and Saturday. Protestors repeated slogans like “This is our country” and “Leave you Arabs”.

Incidents began after the launch of demonstrations, after an attack perpetrated by two masked men Thursday night in which they assaulted an officer and injured two fire fighters called on duty to put out a blaze at the Jardins de l’Empereur.