Tel Aviv- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu seeks to form a European alliance against official anti-Israel positions issued by the European Union, especially in the settlement expansion project in Jerusalem and the West Bank, and those supporting the Palestinian stance to return to negotiations under the virtue of two-state solution, according to sources close to the Israeli government.
Sources said that Netanyahu will propose this idea to British PM Theresa May for the first time on Monday when they both discuss the Palestinian file in an effort to formulate a new European front of support for Israel amidst the turbulent political scene in the continent.
During the meeting, Netanyahu is also expected to ask May to increase public support for Israel in Britain, while also agreeing not to support anti-Israel resolutions in the EU and U.N.
“Netanyahu will try to take advantage of the situation in Europe in order to create a system of support for Israel, which will lean upon the largest countries on the continent, including Britain, France, Italy and Germany,” coalition Chairman MK David Bitan said during a conference in London with senior Jewish leaders.