Middle-east Arab News Opinion | Asharq Al-awsat

Hadi to UN Envoy: We Seek Peace Preceded by Serious Intentions to Achieve it | ASHARQ AL-AWSAT English Archive 2005 -2017
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During a meeting with the special envoy of the UN Secretary General for Yemen Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed in the Saudi capital Riyadh yesterday, the Yemeni President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi stressed the Yemeni government’s eagerness for peace and the establishment of a secure future for Yemen, the Yemeni nation and neighbouring countries. He added that this peace should be preceded by serious intentions to achieve this.

In his meeting with Ould Cheikh which was also attended by the deputy commander of the armed forces General Ali Mohsen Al-Ahmar, Hadi said “In the past we have extended our hands in peace. We continue to do so and will do so in the future. Sparing the blood of Yemenis is our responsibility and for this reason we went and made concessions on a number of points. We want to stop the bloodshed and respond to the calls of our brothers and friends by achieving the points of reference which include the Gulf initiative, the outcomes of national dialogue and the UN resolution 2216.”

President Hadi said that “We have complied with what was requested from us since going to the peace consultations. However, in reality, the militias are not complying with the points of reference and have not extended any goodwill gestures or measures to strengthen confidence. Rather, the militias have increased their aggression and brutality and are targeting the innocent and defenceless. They have killed families and children and continue to blockade cities.”