Middle-east Arab News Opinion | Asharq Al-awsat

Discourse Threatens Popular Mobilization Forces’ Breakdown | ASHARQ AL-AWSAT English Archive 2005 -2017
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Media ID: 55346022

Abu Mahdi and Hadi al-Amri

Abu Mahdi and Hadi al-Amri

Abu Mahdi and Hadi al-Amri

A Shiite politician revealed on Saturday to Asharq Al-Awsat that conflict is running deep among the ranks of the Popular Mobilization Forces, threatening to rift the Iran supported armed group in Iraq.

The independent politician, in a phone call interview, adds that dispute is rising on who should be leading the Mobilization Forces armed militias ranging between Engr. Abu Mahdi whom calls himself Mobilization Forces Chairman Deputy , and Hadi al-Amri Commander in Chief of the Badr Organization and has no given position among the lines of the Mobilization Forces.

Moreover the source, who has requested anonymity, stated that disputes among the two have been going on for almost a month now, and increased recently after Engr. Abu Mahdi could not compel the Iraqi Army and the American party to allow the Mobilization Forces to participate in freeing Ramadi which later resulted in heated criticism from al-Amri.

Furthermore, the source also revealed that senior officers in the Iranian Army of Guardians have gone to Iraq recently to meet both Engr. Abu Mahdi and al-Amri in hopes of resolving the conflict threatening the Mobilization Forces.

However, Iraqi Army forces engaged in fierce clashes against ISIS militants on Saturday. Local officials expressed that ISIS militants were desperate to sustain the upper hand over the governmental complex in Ramadi.

According to AFP, Army units have arrived at the Hoz neighborhood intersection which is strategic to the governmental complex. Army forces see that it is imperative to retrieve the complex in order to take full control over the city.
Iraqi Special Operations Forces for counter-terrorism Spokesman Sabah al-Noeman announced that Army forces “have cleansed the entire Hoz neighborhood, and has approached the governmental complex.”