Middle-east Arab News Opinion | Asharq Al-awsat

Determining the Battle of Taiz Will Cast the Insurgency’s End | ASHARQ AL-AWSAT English Archive 2005 -2017
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Media ID: 55347946

King Salman Center for Relief and Humanitarian Aids is technically the only orientation that truly broke through Taiz’s barricade effectively-A.F.P

King Salman Center for Relief and Humanitarian Aids is technically the only orientation that truly broke through Taiz's barricade effectively-A.F.P

King Salman Center for Relief and Humanitarian Aids is technically the only orientation that truly broke through Taiz’s barricade effectively-A.F.P

Taiz- Ali al-Moa’amari, Mayor of Taiz, said that many international relief organizations are being misguided by regional groups. In an interview with Asharq Al-Awsat, al-Moa’amari said that the organizations are influenced by the pro-insurgency clusters. The reports show some employee accomplices helping with deceiving humanitarian organizations.

Al-Moa’amari requested that all humanitarian organizations to work on delivering aid via governmental routes in Aden and Taiz. Moreover, the Taiz Mayor praised the humanitarian efforts spent by the Arab coalition and Saudi Arabia. King Salman Center for Relief and Humanitarian Aids is pretty much the only orientation that helped break-off the barricade on Taiz effectively.

The Mayor clarified that the militias in the war they waged on Taiz, have taken in the help of experts from the Republican Guard and combatants trained by Hezbollah and Iran. Al-Moa’amari revealed that three brigades are being prepared for the comprehensive freeing of Taiz, and stressed that the governorate’s importance lies in the fact that it represents the northern city gate to the temporary capital Aden and southern governorates.

Settling the battle in Taiz interprets the virtual death of the insurgency in Yemen, and the failing of the militia’s mission. Houthi and ousted President Saleh’s supporters believe that should they win over Taiz, they would have gained massive political and military advantages, which is exactly why their campaign is being re-directed to the governorate on a large scale.

When asked on recent developments, Al-Moa’amari said that Taiz witnesses now a broad battle to extinguish militants. Confrontations are ongoing on a daily basis and undertake several battlefronts. Over 15 fronts are established, which expanded to include regions out of the city, after militias had failed to take over the center city Taiz. Militants have rendered defeated and disappointed, the National Army men and the Popular Resistance record triumph persistently. With the Popular Resistance’s backing the National Army was able to secure Al Misrakh district.