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ISIS Says Two Assailants from Paris Attacks Were Iraqi | ASHARQ AL-AWSAT English Archive 2005 -2017
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ISIS Says Two Assailants from Paris Attacks Were Iraqi

ISIS Says Two Assailants from Paris Attacks Were Iraqi

ISIS Says Two Assailants from Paris Attacks Were Iraqi

PARIS – ISIS published pictures of nine militants it says carried out Nov. 13 attacks that killed 130 people in Paris including two, identified as Iraqis, who were previously unknown, according to the SITE monitoring organisation.
The two assailants so far unknown were identified in the group’s online magazine “Dabiq” by aliases ”Ukashah al Iraqi” and “Ali al Iraqi”, meaning ”Ukashah the Iraqi” and ”Ali the Iraqi” in Arabic.

The two could be the suicide bombers who tried to attack the Stade de France stadium. They carried Syrian passports assumed to be forged and could not be formally identified.
Nine men, split into three groups, attacked a sports stadium, a string of cafes and a concert hall. Seven had been positively identified. An arrest warrant has been issued, however, for one man, Salah Abdeslam, who may have survived the attack and the police action and fled back to Belgium.