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Moscow Speaks About Second Truce in Syria with Washington’s Cooperation | ASHARQ AL-AWSAT English Archive 2005 -2017
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Moscow, London- Russia and the US might announce in mid-August a second truce in Syria to include the countryside of Homs and eastern Ghouta, an informed Russian source said on Tuesday.

Russian media quoted the source as saying that US and Russian experts were currently holding talks in a European capital concerning this issue, after the successful ceasefire that included three provinces southern Syria.

The reports came as the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights spoke on Tuesday about the arrival of 400 members from the Russian interposition forces to monitor the ceasefire.

Speaking to Ria Novosti, the source said: “The second areas of ceasefire will be announced soon, sometime in mid-August. This announcement will be made before the upcoming Astana meeting which is expected to take place at the end of next month.”

Meanwhile, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said it was possible that a new US-Russian meeting be held to discuss a second ceasefire in Syria.

“Moscow is in contact with the Americans concerning the issue of the de-escalation zones and the Astana operation,” Lavrov told Ria Novosti, adding that the second ceasefire would probably involve Homs and eastern Ghouta.

Asharq Al-Awsat learned from sources in Astana and Moscow that US-Russian talks are underway concerning the ceasefire zones and other issues related to solving the Syrian crisis.

The sources predicted that a meeting be held soon to tackle those issues in the presence of Russian and US experts, adding that “French experts might also attend.”

However, the sources said the talks would not involve Idlib, which would be discussed with the Turkish side.

The sources also said that any deal between the concerned parties would “surely not involve the presence of Jabhat al-Nusra or ISIS in the ceasefire areas.”

This is not the first time reports appear on the possibility of a second ceasefire in Syria. A few days ago, President Donald Trump signaled that he is working with Russia to establish a second regional ceasefire in the war-torn country.