Media ID: 55356491
Media ID: 55296772
Media ID: 55294444
The Czech writer Franz Kafka. AP
A U.S. Marine watches a statue of Saddam Hussein being toppled in Firdaus Square in downtown Baghdad on April 9, 2003 file photo. (AP Photo/Jerome Delay, File)
The Road to Tahrir Square Ran Through Baghdad
Ten years ago, on April 9, Baghdad fell to a coalition of Western armies. There is a close connection between the downfall of Saddam Hussein and the toppling of a succession of other Arab dictators during 2011. This link has been overlooked, in part due to the...Caption:
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry (L) speaks during a news conference with Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu (not pictured) at Ankara Palace in Ankara, March 1, 2013. REUTERS/Jacquelyn Martin/Pool