Media ID: 55348656
Media ID: 55348603
Media ID: 55348589
Media ID: 55348577
Media ID: 55348574
Russian President Vladimir Putin chairs a meeting on Russian plane crash in Egypt at the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia November 17, 2015. REUTERS/Alexei Nikolskyi/SPUTNIK/Kremlin
Opinion: Did the Russian “Holy” War Come to an End?
Nothing beats the accuracy of economic feedback when analyzing political decisions. As soon as Moscow announced its forces withdrawing from Syria, the Syrian pound suffered a 20 percent fall in worth. Thus it clearly stipulates which party is most affected by the...Caption:
Opinion: Did Assad Sleep that Night?
Just as Russian President Vladimir Putin surprised the world by intervening militarily in Syria, he surprised them again by announcing a partial withdrawal of forces from it. The question here is not why the Russians announced the partial withdrawal because it is too...Caption:
Devastation in Homs, Syria – Reuters
Speculations on Russian Withdrawal from Syria
PARIS- Russian President Vladimir Putin’s decision on withdrawing principal Russian Air force and other units from Syria not only shocked everyone but also took a toll over the atmosphere surrounding the Geneva Syrian peace talks and on political officials,...Caption:
Members of the Russian air forces express their joy after returning to their country yesterday (AP)