Media ID: 55361848
Media ID: 55354904
Media ID: 55301411
Media ID: 55301643
The White House is seen with the Washington Monument (L) behind it and the Jefferson Memorial (R) in Washington, May 1, 2011. REUTERS/Gary Hershorn
Johnson to Syrian opposition: The Deluded Must Realise the Existence of Alternatives to Assad
The British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson assured the General Coordinator of the High Negotiations Committee (HNC) Dr Riad Hijab that Britain continues to support a political transition in Syria and recognises the need to end the suffering of the Syrians as soon as...Caption:
Egyptian anti-goverment demonstrators wave Egyptian flags at Cairo’s Tahrir Square on February 10, 2011 on the 17th day of protests against President Hosni Mubarak’s regime. Thousands more Egyptian demonstrators joined a mounting tide of protest against Mubarak’s regime despite stark threats of a government crackdown. (PEDRO UGARTE/AFP/Getty Images)
Egypt army ousts Mursi, announces transition
London, Asharq Al-Awsat—Egypt’s armed forces ousted the country’s first post-25 January revolution president, Islamist Mohamed Mursi, following four days of nationwide protests against his rule. Flanked by military officials, political leaders, and Muslim...Caption:
An man injured by a car bomb that exploded in the parking lot of a Benghazi hospital is rushed for treatment on May 13, 2013. AFP PHOTO/ABDULLAH DOMA