Media ID: 55377374
Media ID: 55367065
Media ID: 55347262
Media ID: 55346909
Media ID: 55346266
Children and robots. AFP photo
Iranian soldiers march during an army parade in Tehran on April 17, 2015: AFP
The Very Real Threat of the Iranian Regime
In a recent article in Foreign Policy magazine, author Trita Parsi wants us to believe that “Iran’s proxy wars [are] a figment of America’s imagination.” He brushes off the statements of newly minted Secretary of Defense James Mattis—a career Marine, four star general...Caption:
Saudi Arabian Airlines flight SVA 226 is isolated on the tarmac after its passengers and crew were evacuated following a bomb threat, at the Barajas airport in Madrid, Spain, Thursday. (Reuters/Sergio Perez)
Bomb Alarm on Madrid-Riyadh Flight is a Hoax, Saudia Airlines Says
Saudi Arabian Airlines (Saudia), declared that a bomb threat that grounded its Madrid-Riyadh flight on Thursday was a false alarm. “It’s just another hoax that all airlines are subjected to,” a Saudia spokesman told Reuters when asked about the...Caption:
Opinion: Saudi Arabia and Iraq – Cooperation or a Threat?
In an interview published in this newspaper on Saturday, the Iraqi Defence Minister Khaled Al-Obaidi said that Iraq’s current government “has announced its political favouritism by opening up to all Arab brothers without exceptions”. The minister specifically talked...Caption: