Media ID: 55358027
Media ID: 55355693
Media ID: 55354956
Media ID: 55348507
Media ID: 55347207
Opinion: Aleppo and the International Farce
What is happening in Syria is a real international farce, especially the crimes being committed in Aleppo and in the surrounding areas. The United Nations, America and the west are witnesses to this farce. While Assad’s regime continues to besiege Aleppo with the...Caption:
Opinion: Russia, Assad and the “Unique Ability”!
When you see the diplomatic activity regarding the Syrian crisis, American-Russian activity in particular, you expect something to happen. However, a careful reading of US – Russian statements do not indicate serious action. This is confirmed by the course of...Caption:
Protesters hold the Moroccan flag as they chant slogans during a rally%2c in Rabat%2c Morocco%2c Sunday%2c March 13%2c 2016.
Three Million Moroccans Protest in Rabat against Ban Ki-moon’s Stance
Rabat- Protesters on Sunday packed the streets of Rabat after political parties, unions and non-governmental groups called for a national demonstration. Authorities claimed there were up to three million people taking part. The march departed from Bab Chala, one of...Caption: