Media ID: 55383170
Media ID: 55362984
Media ID: 55351678
Media ID: 55306476
Media ID: 55301859
Does she know what “dogma” means here? Photographer: Mark Wilson
Law enforcement officials are seen outside of a parking garage on the campus of Ohio State University as they respond to an attack in Columbus, Ohio, on November 28, 2016 (AFP Photo/Paul Vernon)
Eight Injured in Ohio State University Campus Shooting
At least Eight people were injured when an assailant drove into a crowd at Ohio State University on Monday, triggering an hours-long security lockdown before authorities cleared the campus, AFP reported. Earlier the university’s emergency management service had...Caption:
Opinion: The Battle Between Excellent Writers – “Medicine for Diabetes and Blood Pressure”
The brilliant Al-Ahram columnist Salah Montaser began his career in journalism in 1953 at the Akher Saa magazine that was bought by Mustafa and Ali Amin from Mohamed El-Tabii who continued to write the main article entitled “From Week to Week”. Mohamed Hassanein...Caption:
Syrian opposition activists argue outside the venue of the main opposition National Coalition meeting in Istanbul on May 26, 2013. Source: AFP Photo/Ozan Kose
Opinion: Will cannibals govern Syria?
At a press conference in London, Russian president Vladimir Putin recently warned world leaders against backing Syria’s rebels with arms, saying: “One should hardly back those who kill their enemies and eat their organs,” a reference to the Syrian opposition...Caption:
Soldiers stand during a parade in Baga village on the outskirts of Maiduguri, in the north-eastern state of Borno May 13, 2013. Source: Reuters/Tim Cocks