Middle-east Arab News Opinion | Asharq Al-awsat

Shinzo Abe | ASHARQ AL-AWSAT English Archive 2005 -2017
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Media ID: 55379973

Coverage of an ICBM missile test is displayed on a screen in a public square in Pyongyang on July 29, 2017. (AFP)

Media ID: 55377829

Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike while campaigning for her Tomin First Party for Sunday’s Tokyo metropolitan assembly election. (AP)

Media ID: 55377474

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. (SPA)

Media ID: 55375243

People watch a television broadcasting a news report on North Korea firing what appeared to be a short-range ballistic missile, at a railway station in Seoul, South Korea, May 29, 2017. (Reuters)