Middle-east Arab News Opinion | Asharq Al-awsat

Sarraj | ASHARQ AL-AWSAT English Archive 2005 -2017
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Media ID: 55369457

Khalifa Ghweil, a self-declared prime minister, gestures during an interview with Reuters, in Tripoli. Photo: Reuters

Media ID: 55366557

Many migrants have died trying to cross the sea from Libya to Europe [Reuters]

Libyans Executed inside Refugee Camps

Libyans Executed inside Refugee Camps

Berlin- German diplomats have warned of the human rights violations, seeing in extreme cases executions, across Libya’s refugee camps. German daily “Welt am Sonntag” reported on Sunday that the diplomats at the Niger Capital, Niamey, have testified to the cruel human...
Media ID: 55366103

Libyan Foreign Minister Mohamed Taha Siala – Reuters

Media ID: 55364899

File photo: Libya’s Deputy Prime Minister Musa Al-Koni visits the media center at the headquarters of the prime minister in Tripoli after a meeting of his Government of National Accord (GNA) held for the first time at the official government headquarters in the capital Tripoli July 11, 2016. REUTERS/Hani Amara

Media ID: 55360758

Fayez al-Sarraj speaks at a press conference in Tripoli. Photograph: Stringer/AFP/Getty Images