Media ID: 55366282
Media ID: 55318565
Former Sudanese Prime Minister and head of the opposition Umma Party Sadeq al-Mahdi addresses residents displaced by the Merowe dam as they stage a sit-down protest against what they describe as injustice and oppression, inside the Umma Party Headquarters in Omdurman December 24, 2011. The Merowe dam project, which was completed in 2009, displaced tens of thousands of people and has long been a source of controversy. REUTERS/ Mohamed Nureldin Abdallah (SUDAN – Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST)
Opposition Umma Party leader and former Prime Minister Sadiq Al Mahdi (left) speaks during joint news conference with Sudan’s President Omar al-Bashir (R) after their meeting at Mahadi’s house in Omdurman August 27, 2013. REUTERS/Mohamed Nureldin Abdallah