Media ID: 55371134
Media ID: 55363206
Media ID: 55356131
Media ID: 55351357
Media ID: 55349654
Late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat. (photo credit:REUTERS)
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas delivers a speech marking the 12th anniversary of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat’s death, in Ramallah Nov. 10, 2016. | Photo: Reuters
Palestine Congress Kicks Off Behind Closed Doors
Ramallah- After Palestine’s President Mahmoud Abbas, also head of the Fatah political party, gave his long three-hour speech on Wednesday evening at the public Fatah conference, eye-catching hushed meetings held behind closed doors kicked off. The five-day congress...Caption:
A Palestinian protester hurls stones towards Israeli troops during clashes at the Israeli Hawara checkpoint near the West Bank city of Nablus, October 16, 2015. REUTERS/Ahmad Talat
69 Checkpoints in West Bank Hurdle Movement of Palestinians
Hawara checkpoint (Nablus)-At Hawara checkpoint, an Israeli soldier ordered a long line of vehicles to go back from where they came from, without bothering himself to give us a justification for his attitude. Subsequently, hundreds of Palestinians were stranded and...Caption:
Ramallah Asks Washington to Intervene so That Agreements With Israel Are Re-evaluated
Palestinians asked the United States to intervene so that the Paris economic agreement can be re-evaluated at the first high level joint meeting in Ramallah in which economic dialogue between the two parties was re-established after it was stopped a decade ago. The...Caption: