Media ID: 55382109
Media ID: 55371986
Media ID: 55356643
Hackers have discovered that one of the most central elements of online security — the mobile phone number — is also one of the easiest to steal. Credit Kevin Hagen for The New York Times
Pregnant women arrive at the “Hospital Escuela Universitario” to be checked for zika virus in Tegucigalpa, Honduras on January 29, 2016. AFP PHOTO/Orlando SIERRA
Should Pregnant Women Hang up their Mobile Phones?
London- Children whose mothers were frequent cell phone users during pregnancy were more likely than those of less frequent users to be hyperactive, a new study finds. But lead author Laura Birks is not advising expectant mothers to hang up their cell phones. She...Caption:
A man (R) looking at his smartphone while having dinner at a street food restaurant in Bangkok. NICOLAS ASFOURI/AFP/Getty Images