Media ID: 55367638
Media ID: 55363829
Media ID: 55359621
Media ID: 55353732
Russian President’s Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov. Sergey Guneev / Reuters
Moscow: Fall of Palmyra is “Blow to the Entire Civilised Humankind”
The Kremlin refused to consider the fall of Palmyra to ISIS once again as “a loss to Russia” and vowed that his country is working to expel it from the city. The Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said yesterday that the “city of Palmyra is a Syrian city before...Caption:
Secretary of State John Kerry delivers a speech Tuesday at The German Marshall Fund in Brussels. (EMMANUEL DUNAND/AFP)
German Initiative on Syria as U.S., Moscow Cling to Hopes of Cooperation
Washington, Beirut, Moscow, Cologne- Germany joins on Wednesday the ranks of mediating countries by hosting a five-party meeting in Berlin with the hopes of resolving the deteriorating crisis in Syria. A German foreign ministry official said on Tuesday that senior...Caption:
Bulgarian border police personal stand next to a barbed wire fence at the border between Bulgaria and Turkey near the Bulgarian town of Malko Tarnovo on May 22, 2016, A.F.P