Media ID: 55366285
Media ID: 55365459
Media ID: 55349453
Media ID: 55307741
Formative experience: The Great Exhibition, India No 4, by Joseph Nash, circa 1851. Kipling saw the exhibition as a boy Royal Collection Trust
Exhibition in London to Celebrate Lockwood Kipling
London – Victoria and Albert Museum will launch Saturday a special exhibition to celebrate the artist Lockwood Kipling, who made plenty of artistic contributions to the museum. Kipling was one of the eminent artists influenced by the trend of arts and crafts...Caption:
Painting by David Roberts
The Orient Depicted in 40 European Paintings
London- Forty oriental inspired art pieces have been prepared this month, in London, for the orientalism themed art auction on April 19th. The Sotheby’s fine art auction will display the works of legends, such as David Roberts, John Frederick Lewis, Alberto...Caption:
Iraqi people celebrate after United Nations announced the end of sanctions imposed on Iraq, in Baghdad, June 27, 2013. REUTERS/Thaier al-Sudani.