Media ID: 55385062
Media ID: 55369319
Media ID: 55365976
Media ID: 55362838
Media ID: 55359752
The future of the U.S. economy?
Photographer: Ron Sachs – Pool/Getty Images
The Animal Spirits in the Jobs Report
Has the presidential election of Donald Trump reawakened the animal spirits in the US economy, giving businesses more confidence to create jobs? Judging from the latest data, it may have — particularly if you’re a miner, a machinist or a construction...Caption:
Mary T. Barra, the chief executive of General Motors, at a news conference in Detroit in December. The company said on Tuesday that new investments would add or retain a combination of 1,500 jobs at plants it did not identify. Credit Rachel Woolf/Getty Images
By Announcing New Jobs, Corporations Help Themselves Too
Donald J. Trump won’t be sworn in until Friday but big business has already thrown him a veritable inaugural ball. A series of blue-chip companies, among them Ford, Lockheed Martin, Amazon and Sprint, have all announced plans in recent weeks to hire and invest in the...Caption:
Ford Move, Cited as Victory by Trump, Has No Effect on U.S. Jobs
New York- Judging from a couple of Twitter messages by President-elect Donald J. Trump, he had scored a hard-won victory for American autoworkers by persuading Ford Motor to keep a Lincoln plant in Louisville, Ky., rather than move it to Mexico. The reality proved...Caption:
The Mette Maersk, a Danish-flagged behemoth, at APM Terminals in Rotterdam. On a recent afternoon, 18,000 shipping containers were stacked like children’s blocks on a deck longer than three football fields, bearing auto parts, scrap metal and electronics. Credit Ilvy Njiokiktjien for The New York Times