Media ID: 55374949
Media ID: 55377101
Media ID: 55376452
Media ID: 55374770
Media ID: 55374030
Salman Abedi, 22, the suicide bomber who killed 22 people after an Ariana Grande concert.
Keep it 100, First Amendment. Photographer: David Becker/Getty Images
Supreme Court Doesn’t Care What You Say on the Internet
It was a big day for free speech at the US Supreme Court. In two consequential decisions, the justices set the terms for the First Amendment in the era of Donald Trump and the internet. In one, the court struck a blow against political correctness, saying the Patent...Caption:
Internet Advertising Expenditure Reaches $205 Billion
London – Worldwide Internet advertising spend is set to grow 13% to $205 billion in 2017, according to Zenith Media, while advertising spend on traditional TV would reach a total of $192 billion. Vittorio Bonori, Zenith’s Global Brand President, says that...Caption:
The World Economic Forum logo. (AFP)
World Economic Forum Launches ‘Internet for All’ Initiative in Jordan
Dead Sea (Jordan) – The Jordanian Ministry of Communications and Information Technology in cooperation with the World Economic Forum (WEF) launched on Sunday the “Internet for All” initiative, which provides greater opportunities for all segments of the...Caption:
A sample of the ransomware cyberattack on a laptop in Taipei, Taiwan, on Saturday. Credit Ritchie B. Tongo/European Pressphoto Agency