Media ID: 55359701
Media ID: 55358561
Media ID: 55355779
Media ID: 55355414
Media ID: 55354463
The King meeting the Ambassador (SPA)
Tunisian Tourism Minister Selma Elloumi Rekik speaks during an interview with Reuters in Tunis, Tunisia, April 20, 2016. REUTERS/Zoubeir Souissi
Tunisian Parliament Approves New Law to Boost Economy
Tunisia- Tunisia’s parliament approved on Saturday a controversial law to boost economy. One hundred fourteen parliamentarians backed the law while 16 rejected it and four others refused to vote. The new law is linked to the economic emergency law in Tunisia...Caption:
The head of France’s top Muslim body Anouar Kbibech (right) speaks to journalists alongside his deputy Abdallah Zekri (left) and France’s Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve in Paris on August 1, 2016. Jacques Demarthon, AFP
France Looks into Reconstructing its Islamic Foundations
Paris – French government and French Ministry of Interior began setting a plan to protect French Muslims from extremism. The government suggested several steps including fortifying the Islamic Council for French Faith, funding mosques and houses of worship, and...Caption:
A general view of the upper parliament chamber is pictured in Algiers, Algeria [REUTERS]
Debate in Algeria over Adopting French for Sciences
Algeria – Debates are heating up within the Algerian educational and political circles after Minister of Education Nouria Benghebrit suggested that teaching in French could improve students’ results. Benghebrit said that a field study done by experts in pedagogy...Caption: