Media ID: 55378208
Media ID: 55377265
Media ID: 55376238
Media ID: 55375602
Media ID: 55372050
The prison entrance, Anjem Choudary appears in the frame. (Asharq Al-Awsat Arabic)
German special police units leave an apartment building in the Wedding district in Berlin January 16, 2015. REUTERS/Fabrizio Bensch
German Police Prepare for Protests at G20 Summit
Some 7,000 anti-capitalist protesters are expected to converge on Hamburg next month for the G20 summit and police are bracing for violence, a German security official said on Friday. Leaders of the G20 leading economies will hold a July 7-8 summit in Germany’s...Caption:
A man walks past flowers and tributes left for the victims of the attack on London Bridge and Borough Market in London, Britain, June 6, 2017. (Reuters)
UK Five Terror Plots since Westminster Attacks
London – The ringleader of the London attack last weekend tried to rent a 7.5-ton truck, British police have said, indicating the attackers were looking to carry out a larger-scale assault. The UK has thwarted five plots since the Westminster attacks in March,...Caption:
Best frenemies forever? Photographer: MANDEL NGAN/AFP/Getty Images
Qatar…Test for Trump’s Anti-Terror Plan
Will this duplicitous nation cut off terrorist financing, or coordinate with the Pentagon, or both? For a brief moment it looked like President Donald Trump had done it. He got the leaders of six Gulf nations to sign a communique pledging to eradicate the financing of...Caption:
Police officers block the access to the Champs Elysees in Paris after a shooting on April 20, 2017 (AFP Photo/FRANCK FIFE)