Media ID: 55373826
President-elect Emmanuel Macron of France waving to supporters on Sunday. Credit Patrick Kovarik/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
by Roger Cohen | May 12, 2017 | Opinion
It’s not just that Emmanuel Macron won and will become, at the age of 39, France’s youngest president. It’s not merely that he defeated, in Marine Le Pen, the forces of xenophobic nationalism exploited by President Donald Trump. It’s that he won with a bold stand for...
Media ID: 55373723
Emmanuel Macron. photo : FRED TANNEAU/AFP
by Michel Abu Najm | May 11, 2017 | World
Paris – Despite his sweeping victory over far-right candidate Marine Le Pen, elected French president Emmanuel Macron’s job will not be easy, the way carved to the Élysée Palace is not a bed of roses. After the excitement of winning simmers, Macron’s task on...