Media ID: 55385455
Media ID: 55383186
Media ID: 55379426
Media ID: 55373413
Media ID: 55367196
Soroush Salehian and Mina Rezk, of Aeva, a Silicon Valley start-up making new guidance systems for driverless vehicles. Credit Jason Henry for The New York Times
The Ford logo is pictured at the Ford Motor Co plant in Genk,Belgium December 17, 2014.REUTERS/Francois Lenoir/File Photo
Ford’s New Self-driving Vehicle Talks to Pedestrians via Light Signals
London- Ford Motor Co and Virginia Tech Transportation Institute are testing a way to enable self-driving vehicles to communicate their movements visually to pedestrians, cyclists and to human drivers, the researchers said on Wednesday, according to Reuters. The new...Caption:
China’s air pollution, which is drifting as far as California
and beyond, has become a growing issue abroad as it makes it more
difficult for countries to keep improving their air quality. Photo:
Every Human Costs the Environment Over 85 Tons of CO2
Cologne, Germany- Some assume that cows are the main polluting creatures, while others think that cars and industries are the top sources of pollution. However, without a doubt, humans are the major ones. A new US-Canadian study revealed that humans are the biggest...Caption:
Rush-hour traffic in Beijing. (Reuters)
Beijing Removes 180,000 Old Polluting Cars
Beijing – The Chinese capital’s environmental bureau announced that Beijing removed 180,000 old and polluting vehicles from its roads in the first four months of 2017, as part of its efforts to tackle congestion and reduce smog. An action plan published in...Caption:
Lu Qun, chairman of Qiantu Motor, in Beijing in December. Credit Patrick Wack for The New York Times