Media ID: 55384002
Media ID: 55365330
Media ID: 55339845
Media ID: 55356682
This woman is wearing what is often called a burka, but is actually a niqab; her body and face are covered except her eyes. (Phil Noble: Reuters)
Afghan women in a Kabul refugee camp, June 2013. AFP, Getty Images
Controversy in Morocco over Banning of Production, Sale of Burqa
Marrakesh- The Moroccan Ministry of Interior notified burqa producers and retailers of the immediate prohibition on the sale as the destruction of current stocks. Copies of the notices have circulated on social networks, resulting in heated debate. Civil society...Caption:
A burqa clad Afghan woman passes by Afghan security forces as they stand guard during in Herat, Afghanistan, 27 December 2014. (EPA/Jalil Rezayee)
German Conservatives Call for Partial Burqa Ban
German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservatives have agreed that Muslim women should be banned from wearing the full-face burqa Islamic veil in schools and universities and while driving, Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere said on Friday, as a debate on...Caption:
Germany’s Thomas de Maiziere, Reuters