Media ID: 55364218
Media ID: 55363823
Media ID: 55354010
Media ID: 55353958
Media ID: 55353948
Security Crackdown Results in 235 People Being Arrested in Relation to Istanbul Bombings
The Turkish Interior Ministry announced yesterday that 235 people have been arrested on charges of spreading propaganda for a terrorist group. The arrests were made against the backdrop of the bombings that took place in Istanbul on Saturday that left 44 people dead....Caption:
At least 41 people were killed and 239 injured in two separate explosions, Reuters
Ataturk Airport Attack Perpetrators Hiding Near Syrian Borders
Turkish authorities currently are on the watch out for two suspected ISIS militants thought to be linked to last week’s Istanbul airport attack and believed to be in keeping a low profile near the border with Syria, a Turkish newspaper reported on Wednesday....Caption:
Interior Minister Mohammed al-Ghabban has handed authority over to his deputy ,Reuters
Minister Mohammed Ghabban Steps Down after Karradah Blasts, Baghdad
A few days after the deadliest of many car bombings in Baghdad since the 2003, Iraq’s interior minister submitted his official resignation on Tuesday and said that a deputy would take over his responsibilities. Mohammed Ghabban made the announcement at a media...Caption:
Paramedics help casualties outside Turkey’s largest airport, Istanbul Ataturk, Turkey, following a blast, June 28, 2016. REUTERS/Ismail Coskun/IHLAS News Agency.