Media ID: 55383913
Media ID: 55383853
Media ID: 55383668
Media ID: 55380556
Media ID: 55380463
Aoun and Macron in Paris on Monday/Dalati&Nohra
Mashnouq speaks on Sunday/NNA
Bassil-Moallem Meeting Disturbs Lebanon’s Ruling Coalition
Beirut- A meeting held between the son-in-law of Lebanon’s President Michel Aoun and Syria’s Foreign Minister Walid Moallem in New York last week sparked dismay in the team of Prime Minister Saad Hariri, shaking the ruling alliance that would also deal on Monday with...Caption:
A Lebanese woman casts her vote at a polling station during the municipal elections in Beirut, Lebanon, May 8, 2016. (AP/Hassan Ammar)
Lebanon: Political Disputes Might Bring Parliamentary Elections Date Closer
Beirut- Lebanon’s upcoming parliamentary elections currently constitute the biggest challenge for political forces whose majority fear the outcome of the vote in light of a new law that forecasts uncertain victories. Amid those fears, worries re-emerged lately...Caption:
Aoun attends a mass service at “Our Lady of the Hill” Church in Mount Lebanon’s Deir al-Qamar on Sunday/Dalati&Nohra
Lebanon: Celebrations Of ‘Mountain Reconciliation’ Reveals Disputes Among Christians
Beirut- Lebanon’s political circles were busy on Monday following the repercussions of a ceremony held Sunday to commemorate the Mountain Reconciliation anniversary in the presence of President Michel Aoun. The ceremony ended up revealing a dispute between the two...Caption:
Aoun in Deir el-Qamar on Sunday/Dalati&Nohra